Thought for the week…


We had the privilege of being under the ministry of Apostle/Prophet Jane Hamon last week… she brought these declarations for our nation… As Business people we encourage you to declare and decree these OUT LOUD believing that we are strategically positioned for success.

(Quantum Leap = from the realm of reality (bamm!!) to the realm of I-nfinite P-ossibility) 

1) Aotearoa New Zealand is a Land of Quantum Presence
A place for the manifestation of the glory and majesty of God.
As one of the first nations to greet each day, New Zealand is a land of Awakening & Revival that will awaken the dawn and awaken the church in the earth.
This will be a land of wind and fire!
The wind is blowing over New Zealand!
A new season of visitation is here!
This nation will produce a generation of revivalists that turn the world upside down!

# 2… Aotearoa New Zealand is a land of Quantum Power and Peace.

We are a people who are not afraid to engage in the fight.. for families, for righteousness & for a peaceful way of life.
We are a nation of risk takers who will be willing to stand on the cutting edge of all God desires to do in the New Reformations
God is decreeing a release of a new mantle for a new day in New Zealand…a nation mobilsed to bring the miracle power and glory of the Kingdom of God to earth.

#3) Aotearoa New Zealand is a Land of the Quantum Prophetic Mantle

This nation will release a true representation of the Voice of God in the earth.
Dreams and visions will occur frequently throughout the land and God will raise up Daniels and Josephs to interpret dreams of unbelievers.
Prophets and prophetic people will release a strong prophetic sound, but at the same time be integrated into strong local churches.
Gods voice will be heard from the Land of the Long White Cloud and it will shake nations! .

#4) Aotearoa New Zealand is the Land of Quantum Prosperity
A land of Favour, Blessing, Richness and Quality of Life… a nation of creativity and Innovation, a spirit of adventure and forward thinking.
We are blessed and highly favoured among nations

#5)Aotearoa New Zealand is a Land of Quantum Promise.
As a nation of fields and flocks and crops, so God desires to make this a land of double portion fruitfulness, spiritual harvest and prophetic fulfillment.
New Zealand is to be an Apostolic nation of sending to and reaping from other nations and bringing last days harvest for the Glory of God!
It is time for New Zealand’s Quantum Leap!
It is time for my Quantum Leap!