Will 2017 be your Best Year Yet?

Every year I go through a process of answering 10 questions from a book called Your best year yet by Jinny Ditzler.  This not only helps me finish the year off strong, because I do a bit of a “stock take” but it prepares my heart and mind for the next year.  Each of the questions…

Take a break..

Hopefully most of us take a week or fortnight off every six months or so and get away to somewhere warm, exotic and relaxing to get closer to our Maker and to recharge the batteries. So important if we are going to run the race really well and all the way to the finishing line! However, how…

Attitude and Altitude

Have you noticed that, a leader in an organisation has the ability to set the daily “feel and tone” within the business, classroom, office, shop, or wherever you are, every day?   Let’s start with a heartfelt “good morning” .. something that Clarkie and Tracey are masters at.. It just changes the atmosphere.. My staff…

Abundance or Scarcity

“Then His disciples said to Him, “Where could we get enough bread in the wilderness to fill such a great multitude?” -Matthew 15:33 Even the most mature Christian can operate in a mindset of scarcity. “Scarcity” is a belief that there is insufficient supply of resources and opportunities to go around. “Abundance” is the belief…

Live in the now!

So a friend and I were chatting on Whatsapp a while ago.  She was commiserating leaving her holiday location to come home and face a week back at work.  Back to reality….  I typed in the comment in the picture and then was stuck by it.  Very impressed with myself for coming up with it…

Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur or Business Person

Which of these words best describes you? Entre-pre-neur;  Persons who see need, and/or opportunities in the market and find way to meet an fill those needs and opportunities in a profitable way, and take the risk to do it. Intra-pre-neur; Person within an organisation who is given the freedom and resources to initiate projects, business ventures…

Leading on Purpose

“Many plans are in a man’s mind; but it is God’s purpose for him that will stand” Psalm 19:21 Two things this week__ both provoked by great articles that I have read.                                        One about fighting the…

Growth Requires Strategy

We all want to grow but for most of us, growth creates uncertainty and uncertainty is uncomfortable.  Growth happens outside of our comfort zone.  It requires us to risk, to take the leap of faith.  As the human race our focus is often on how we can be as comfortable as possible.  We don’t really…


Momentum is described by the dictionary as “the strength or force that allows something to continue to grow stronger or faster as time passes.”  Running a business is hard. It requires a great amount of energy to achieve real results.  It also takes time, money, intellect, spiritual focus and perseverance to truly succeed. The early…


  What does it really take to succeed? What do successful people have that others do not have? Imagine if you knew how many asks it would take to get a “yes”, or how many knocks it would take for the door to open, or how many tries it would take to succeed? It would…