Wow – October already!! Before we know it, the season of work “Christmas parties” will be upon us and we will be booked out most nights, running madly from one event to the next!  With the end of the year looming, how have things progressed for you over the last 9 months? unnamed

Sometimes things don’t necessarily go according to (our) plan, and when this happens, we have an opportunity to reflect on where we are in life, and often what’s important.

One of the challenges any leader or business owner faces, is taking on too much. Do too much and all of a sudden we can get grumpy, stressed & eventually even burn out.

I recently came across this article speaking about how Jesus set boundaries. While the article is aimed at Pastors, I believe it’s applies for all of us in the ministry of Business too!

Here’s an excerpt:

“In the early years … I had the problem of feeling guilty if I set boundaries. I thought I had to say yes to what people felt they needed from me. I tried to please people and make them happy — I never wanted anyone to be disappointed or upset with me…

Finally I realized that I was not experiencing Jesus’ words, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). The problem was me! I was not a cheerful giver. I was giving out of compulsion and emptiness and wasn’t experiencing the grace of God abounding to me so that I could become a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7-9). I wasn’t looking to God enough, but was relying on myself to do more to help other people.”

That last sentence really stands out for me! Now days it’s often counter-cultural to even think about “rest” let alone actually take some time out to rest in our busy lives! Yet, if we look at the life of Jesus, He took time out regularly to spend in prayer with the Father. From that place of rest, He was able to be very deliberate with His time and what He did next (which was a whole bunch of amazing stuff!)

As a follower of Jesus, I have to ask myself whether I am trying to do too much, often under my own steam. If you are feeling overwhelmed or on the verge of burn-out, why not take a step back and explore what boundaries you have set in place. Maybe it’s time to reset those boundaries and what better way to do that, than by doing what Jesus did, and spending some time with our Father in Heaven.

My prayer is that today, you get a fresh sense of the peace of God and are able to work from a place of rest, no matter what is around you!

Have an awesome week ahead!