It has been a week of celebration in our corner of the universe!!

For those of you who do not follow the game of Rugby Union, (or some who stayed in bed at 5am this morning, because the tournament was held in UK !) our New Zealand national team the ALL BLACKS,just won the Rugby World Cup!!12122770_10153261770816915_5941271878845735142_n

It is the culmination of  4 years of hard work, dedicated training, teamwork, fitness, sacrifice, and personal commitment by players, families, coaches, specialist trainers, sponsors etc.                      No single person was reponsible for the win, everyone needed to work together so that they could all succeed and claim the trophy.

It was John Maxwell who used the phrase “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork” . Our goal at Business Edge is to support, encourage and empower business owners and leaders to excel, and prosper becoming a positive, unstoppable force  in their marketplace.

We love to be your cheer team, and your prayer team.

We love the way the prayer system allows us to pray purposefully for each other and just like all Kiwi’s this week we celebrate together cross the world.

” For we are fellow workman, joint promotors, labourers together with and for God.” 1 Cor 3:9 

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