As Kiwi’s ( New Zealanders) we pride ourselves in being a nation of dreamers and thinkers, inventions and ideas.. we lead the world in areas of innovation, sport, technology, out of the box thinking, crazy inventions and world changing ingenuity.
Are you a dreamer?.. Only humankind has this God given gift and ability…
Dreaming is giving our imagination the freedom to conceive future possibilities that are not bound by our current reality. It is the freedom to explore without having to worry about the cost or consequences because you have not involved the intellect in the process. Sometimes we day-dream, as we imagine ourselves in exotic places, sometimes we imagine saving the world with a with invention, or idea, sometimes we have a great idea that we extrapolate out to imagine what it would be like to grow our business to influence etc
Dreaming is freedom, and if you never dream you will never do great things. Every great business started with the dream of an entrepreneur. (maybe not in technicolour, but an idea that became a dream, vision and reality)
Dreaming is the bridge between a wish and a vision. A wish is something that you really want, but you believe will never happen. Vision is a preferred future that you intentionally conceived based on certain realities that you believe can and must happen, while a dream is something that could happen based on your own conviction and faith. You may conceive something as a wish to begin with but then make it a dream because you don’t just hope it will happen, but now believe it can happen as you add faith to the equation.
You can transfer your dream into a vision, which means you are willing to put strategy and action behind it to do your part to make it happen, though it may still be a long shot.
Wishing gives you the freedom to believe in miracles,
Dreaming gives you the freedom to believe in the impossible
Visioning gives you the freedom to believe in your destiny.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 ” Write down the vision and display it plainly, so that others may grasp it. The vision message is a witness pointing to what is coming.. If it seems slow in coming, wait.. It is on it’s way… It will come right on time.”
Are you carrying a dream for this year?… Want to turn that dream into a vision and a reality ? Business Edge can help you with that. we have coaches and mentors and peer groups, workshops and seminars and an amazing community prayer system where more than 200 people will pray for you on a given day. We would love to champion your dream / vision and with Godly advice, prayer and encouragement as you walk towards your destiny.
Join Business Edge Now https://https://businessedge.
Our prayer for you today is that God would give you the wisdom as you walk out your calling in the marketplace for good and for God. Proverbs 11:11 “By the blessing and influence of upright citizens and God’s favour because of them, the city is blessed.” Have a great week.. DREAM BIG! … Coralie