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How awesome it is to be part of the family of God, no matter where in the world you live, there is family!
The picture to the right is “Business Edge” connecting this week in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada !! Dr Grant and Kathy Mullen live in Canada ( Toronto area), …they are ministering in Saskatoon this week…and Brendon and Janice Muir are on a 12 month family adventure living in Canada. How good it is to share together, prayer together and encourage each other in life and in God.! ( look forward to seeing you all back here in NZ soon guys!)
Tracey Olivier, from Durban South Africa, whom we had met through Business Edge website and her site Kingdom Business Network, has been in NZ, for a family occasion. Bravely she took the bus to Hamilton to come stay with us for a few days .. immediately we had this “family” connection and spent the week ministering, touristing, talking, laughing, drinking coffee and sharing our God stories… now she is our first BE member in South Africa! ( I have posted a couple of her business articles on BE facebook … very good!)
On Saturday night while in the spa pool, I was praying for Clarkie and asked the Lord for someone to phone him just to encourage him…Saturday morning just as he is walking out to play golf the phone rings and it is a spiritual son from Melbourne Australia… says to me “Don’t talk Mum, please get Dad, God has told me to ring and pray for you both… 10 minutes later after powerful prayer and prophecy he just blesses us and hangs up!!… Thank you Lord that was amazing.!!!( apparently the golf was OK too…C arrived home with his winnings, some meat for the freezer!)
Next week we have a person coming from Nagaland (top right hand corner of India!) … another “out of the blue” kingdom connection…prayer for David T appreciated!
Business Edge crosses all sorts of boundaries of profession, business, industry, position, culture, church,etc … the glue that holds us together is prayer. As BE members we are all connected during the week by prayer emails, where we are assigned to pray and encourage each other… James 5:16 and the results are spectacular.. If YOU are feeling lonely in business, or you need connection that is personal and profound then consider joining this global family
” God places the solitary in families, and gives them a place to belong” Psalm 68:6