Hope your day is off to a great start and that you’re able to make the most of this Monday by doing something that you don’t normally get to do – whether that’s having a long overdue sleep in, or perhaps doing some exercise, I pray that you are feeling refreshed and invigorated about life!
Please can you keep the Clarkies in your prayers this week, as Coralie recovers from surgery and Denis tries to survive on instant noodles 🙂
Last week was a week full of meetings for me. I was blessed to spend time with a number of new faces across the Waikato and Auckland. Great conversations, challenging discussions and powerful prayers were the order of week!
Personally, I’m so humbled how the Lord uses other people in our lives to sharpen us and to challenge and encourage us all. Keep an eye out for these people in your life and remember to seek wisdom and guidance from the Word of God!
I’m also reminded that whatever we are doing, we need to do it in love:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31 NIV
Life is busy and it’s easy to sometimes think of all the things we “need” to accomplish, learn and master, but when we pause for a second – it’s really about Christ’s love, living in us and being spread amongst the world…So what can we do today to show Christ’s love?