Good Morning ! Something I’ve been thinking about lately – is what does it look like to have our lives built on Jesus? Not building our lives aroundJesus, but having Him as our central foundation. “Truly He is my rock and my salvation; Psalm 62:2 Chair Hillman Brown says: ” If we build our lives on money, we will find that it never satisfies. If we build our lives on relationships, we will find ourselves let down by unmet expectations. If we build our lives on religion, we will find that we’re never good enough. If we build our lives on government promises, we will find ourselves disenchanted by imperfect people. Even still, if we build our lives on having a perfect body, or people’s approval, we’ll find that it doesn’t last forever.” The big question is – what does last forever? Well the Bible tells us that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 1:8) If we choose to build our lives on Jesus Christ, I think that’s the best investment we can ever make. I pray that today, as we embark on another week, that we’re able to do just that. That we can re-evaluate what other things we may be building our lives on, and make any changes necessary to get the foundations sorted, so that we can move forward with the plan that God has for each of us! Have a great Monday!