A word of encouragement from Prophet Greg Bailey
A few months back I woke up with the word ‘Reconcile’ in my spirit, so I set about researching it.
It means to bring into harmony or agreement. It means to restore.
God is restoring back to you, not just what was robbed or stolen, but also that which has been delayed.
It also means to be reconciled… like an accountant does with your books. If your accounts or books aren’t in order you are in big trouble with the Tax Dept. !
I don’t know about you but it sometimes seems like the price we’ve paid doesn’t reflect what we have or what we’ve been promised. What we have in the natural just doesn’t match what we’ve seen in the Spirit.
Today things are about to change, the Lord is reconciling and balancing your books. He is not lowering the spiritual or supernatural… He is raising the natural to balance the supernatural for you!
As we go through testing times, refining fires, times of drought, times of trustng God and building faith in Him.. don’t give up for if you patiently persevere you will inherit His promise.
I am believing the Lord for you and with you, that 2014 will end well and that 2015 will be an even better year spiritually, physically and financially.
That 2015 will be a year where we will see the dreams, desires and plans the Lord has put in your spirit come to pass.
We wish you a blessed and joyful time with your loved ones’
Merry Christmas Greg, and Julie