Time is a highly prized gift from God. How do we best use it according to the heartfelt priorities in our lives?
‘…Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’ Matthew 22:37-40
If we put God first followed by our closest brothers and sisters in order of importance (our wife/ husband, children, close friends, staff, suppliers, clients, acquaintances etc.) I believe we are using our time according to His will.
How do we best use our time? A daily ‘Things To Do List’ including business and personal items
works well. Each item should be prioritised numerically and:
No 1 time with God (i.e. 6am His word, prayer)
No 2 quality time with wife/husband (i.e. 6pm to 6:20pm with no interruptions from kids)
No 3 quality time with children (i.e. one on one read of story and prayer before bed)
No 4 exercise (i.e. 6:45am 5km run)
No 1 Glance at Primary Aim, Strategic Objective
No 2 Weekly Manager’s Meeting 9am
No 3 Prepare for and make 11am sales call etc.
We must be realistic in how we apportion our time without trying to cram too much in. We should allow for contingencies and watch we don’t procrastinate the important tasks by hiding behind unimportant activity. If things get too intense it is important to “down tools” and go for a nice walk outside around the block to refresh. It’s amazing how things seem so much easier when we arrive back at our desk.
Accountants are masters of measuring and billing for their time. We need to be “accountant like” in how we protect our time and guard against unnecessary interruptions (self induced or other). Every so often we should record minute by minute how we spent a particular day including phone calls, interruptions, making coffee etc. – a valuable exercise in keeping us “on point” and focused.
Blessings and kind regards
James Benjamin
Business Edge Perth & Western Australia