“Then His disciples said to Him, “Where could we get enough bread in the wilderness to fill such a great multitude?” -Matthew 15:33
Even the most mature Christian can operate in a mindset of scarcity.
“Scarcity” is a belief that there is insufficient supply of resources and opportunities to go around.
“Abundance” is the belief that there is always enough.
Maybe we believe the proverbial “pie” of opportunity is restricted to whatever we can see in front of us, so the assumption is that we must all hurry up and get our share before it runs out.
Others believe the “pie” of opportunity gets bigger based on our faith, creativity, and innovation.
In the book of Matthew chapter 15, Jesus had just finished healing the multitudes and, recognizing that they were hungry, He called on His disciples that they might find food for them to eat. His disciples were surprised by His request, given the fact that they were in the wilderness and they did not see provision anywhere in sight. Jesus asked simply, “How many loaves do you have?” And they responded, “Seven, and a few little fish.” Notice that they did have something, but did not think it was enough.
An “abundance mindset” begins by practicing gratitude for whatever you have.
Jesus then commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, took the bread blessed it, and was able to feed over four thousand people including men, women, and children with seven baskets of food left over. This story is found in various versions throughout the Gospels.Do you believe that God’s resources are limitless?
In Acts 3:6, a crippled man with a scarcity mentality saw the disciples, and expected them to give him something (most likely money or food). Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
If you want to experience real abundance, you have to be ready and willing to give whatever you have.( not always stuff or money!)
Jesus never saw any limitation of resources no matter the circumstances but rather always trusted the full provision of God the Father in every situation. The disciples operated based on what they could see, and did not tap into God’s abundant provision.
What is the difference between an abundance and scarcity mindset?
Abundance mindset v Scarcity mindset
- Trust in God’s ability to provide … Trust in your own abilities
- Walks by faith…. Walks by sight
- Always hopeful and optimistic ….Is full of fear and doubt
- Shares and gives ….. Hoards and hides
- Walks in contentment ….Is never satisfied
- Thinks like a steward ….Thinks like an owner
- Works to add value and complete others…. Works to compete and beat others
Abundant thinking is not easy.!! Be strong!
The news media, our friends and family remind us daily of what we don’t have, and what we think we need.
We are constantly comparing ourselves to our neighbors or competitors which at times can make us feel even worse.
With an abundance mindset we can walk in peace, God-fidence, gratefulness, and consistently be a blessing to others.
With this mindset you can take your current resources and begin to bless others and thank God for them. Ask Him to open your eyes to see the abundance so you may walk in His complete provision in your life and business.
(Exerpts from Patrice Tsague Nehemiah project)
Our prayer for you is that God will give you the grace to tap into His abundance so that whatever you need will be provided to you.
” Roman 15:13 ‘ May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing , through the experience of your faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may ABOUND in ABUNDANCE and be bubbling over with hope.”
Enjoy the blessings of your abundant God this week and share the love …..
Coralie Clark >>Business Edge International