For those of you who were not able to be with us, through distance or circumstance, let me “share ” the evening with you too. The aim of the evening was to get together as Business Edge members, spouses and guests and celebrate the year, (whatever it looked like!), and look forward to what God has for each of us in 2016. We would like to share Business Edge’s exciting new developments …. We began with drinks and platters, much talk and laughter (you should have heard the noise level!!) it was awesome! Once we got upstairs to the Conference room Clarkie shared with us his motivating scriptures and encouraged us to encourage others, stay in contact, lift up the weary and celebrate success. He encouraged us to take these scriptures for oureslves, as God is vitally interested in showing us, leading us and bringing wisdom into our workplace daily. 1John 2:27 “But you have received the Holy Spirit and He lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what He teaches you is true_ it is not a lie. Just as He has taught you remain in fellowship with Christ.” Isaiah 50:4 “The soverign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will” (NLT) Business Edge has acheived much this year, the Business EdgeMembers App is working well.. just search for members by name, occupation, region, etc and immediately be connected to websites, emails, mobiles etc .. if you are a member and have not got it sorted contact The Business Edge Centre businesses have had a good year, we have together pushed through, believed God , and een Hi hand of favour. BE Perth and Western Australia is in good heart, James and Meena Benjamin are leading a brilliant group of Marketplace Ministers over there Business Edge UK has launched softly at this stage, and websites are being sorted . Pray for Jon and Gemma Johnson Tracey Olivier has been here in NZ ( from South Africa) for 3 weeks now and already she is making a difference in the area of Breakthrough / Strategic Coaching. In 2016, we intend to begin a Biblical Entrepreneurs School, around the country, so watch this space!!.. for those of you outside of NZ, let us know if you would be interested in webinars or similar?? The Business Edge Team and Advisors are very excited about 2016 and where God is taking us.. .. God just highjlighted this scripture to me again this week!! I think it is pertinent in view of the worlds issues at the moment ” Look around you among the nations and see! Be astonished and astounded! For I am putting into effect a work in your days such that you would not believe it if it were told you! ” Habukkuk 1:5 ( ref Acts 13:4) Clarkie and I are sooo excited about the prospects for 2016.. we are praying into your businesses every day and believing that God is setting you up for success. .. We speak PEACE and BLESSING upon each of you in Jesus mighty name |