My goodness another busy week is behind us, and we seem to be ‘falling’ into autumnal weather patterns already. !
For my birthday, my family gift was a photo morning tea…. coffee, cup cakes, kisses, cuddles and smiles and heaps of fun as we all enjoyed getting some ‘creative’ shots! Think we did pretty good … here is an example… a pile of “Clarkies’ ….we are sooo blessed!
Marketplace Pray Day (last Wed) was really powerful, prophetic and insightful…. It was so exciting to hear about some God filled projects about to launch. Up to now they have been God-filled dreams and ‘out there’ ideas… NOW they are, through the grace of God, prayer, faith, hope, and hard work, beginning to blossom into reality. How privileged we were to ‘surround’ these projects with believing prayer and encouragement as a community of faith. As prophecied, 2014 is bursting with blessing..! Next Pray Day 2nd April.. Be there!
This week is filled with individual appointments for Clarkie, I am working on website upgrades, a new BE brochure, and encouraging Ryan and Carrie-Anne as they work towards the launch of Business Edge Bay of Plenty on Wednesday 26th March. Please pray that they will attract a crowd of BOP business people who would see the benefit of belonging. Come and join us, encourage your business associates and friends from BOP area to attend… better still, bring them with you… find your invitation over there on the left!
Here is a cool scripture I came across this week… 2 Chron 15:7
‘Be strong, do not lose courage, for there is great reward in your work”
Remember the words God gave me for this year?
New Revelation; New Anointing; New COURAGE
So be En-Couraged …as you go about your assignment withCOURAGE this week!
Blessings Clarkie and Coralie