(from ‘The Principle of the Path’ by Andy Stanley)
Think about the last time you were traveling and got lost. You had your destination in mind. You had every intention of getting there. But you took the wrong path, and you didn’t end up where you wanted to be.
A disconnect often occurs between the path you choose and where you want to end up. This is the principle of the path and it impacts every area of our life and teaches us that direction determines destination
Why do we tend to think that we are the exception to the path principle? Why do we see our choices as individual events, instead of seeing them as a path to a destination?
Here are some principles
- You cannot reach spiritual maturity on a path of spiritual neglect.
- You cannot reach marital health on a path of marital complacency and unaddressed wounds.
- You cannot reach financial stability on a path of reckless spending.
- You cannot reach effective leadership on a path of procrastination, arrogance, or lack of preparation.
This isn’t just about our effectiveness as leaders, but the kind of leaders were are becoming. If we manipulate people, hedge on the truth, trample those with less power than us, or compromise our integrity in any way, we have effectively abandoned the path of godly leadership for a path of personal destruction.The principle of the path means that none of our choices take place in a vacuum. Every single one determines who we are becoming. Every single step is in a particular direction on a particular path, so the question we must ask ourselves every day is this: where do I want to go, and am I on a path that will take me there?
The Bible talks endlessly about paths, steps, choices, trust, faith and godly principles, because we are all prone to stray off the path of righteousness in pursuit of ‘the new shiny thing’, carefully paraded by the enemy of our souls.Here are some scriptures to encourage each other with this week.
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight
Psalm 37.23″ The steps of a good person are established by the Lord and He delights in them
Isaiah 45 ” I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight…
Proverbs 4:26 ” Consider well the path of your feet (thoughts, emotions) and your way shall be established”.Father God I pray for each person reading this blog, and declare Your clear direction as You determine the destination of life and business. Thankyou Lord God that you order our steps rightly as we listen to you and walk in your ways. Thankyou for the leadership responsibilities that you have put in our hands, You have promised to never leave us or forsake us . Amen